~ Register for Personal membership ~
Be sure to read the Terms of use before you request membership. This is very important for your own sake.
Never give UN and PW to a third person, this will lead to emidiate loss of membership.
No refunds will be made under any circumstances.
You are a personal member if you..
- ..have a personal homepage that you do not sell anything on.
- ..you make crafts for your own personal use.
As a personal member you..
- ..get access to all free graphics at the site.
- ..get full access to the html and pixel tutorials.
- ..have the oppertunity to order custom graphics.
And so much more!!
Request: Simply choose your desired currency and follow the directions by paypal.
Pay: As soon as your membership is payed for you will be redirected by Paypal to the log in information and you may log in imediately.
(please *note* E-check users will have to wait until the check clears)
Lifetime membership 15 euro / 20 USD
~*Lifetime means "sitetime", you will be a member as long as the site remains online*~