~ Learn how to build your own website ~

Always wanted a website, but donīt know how to get one? Had a website for a while and just looking for some tips? This is the place for you. The classes starts at beginners and continues to advanced html. Enjoy!

What in the world is html??! -posted june 2006-
What do I need to do before I get started?! -posted june 2006-

Usability, now whats that again? -posted june 2006-
K.I.S.S, whats that? -posted june 2006-
Why originality? -posted june 2006-

Class #1 My first html dokument, step by step.. -posted june 2006-
Class #2 How to change fonts and font color! -posted july 2006-
Class #3 Adding images, and more image stuff! -posted july 2006-
Class #4 How to add links -posted mar 2007-